As you only ever have a certain number of hours available to you each day, the process of organising and planning how to divide you time between specific activities is the key to good time management.
The effective manager also understands the
importance of delegation; not only to completing
the task but also as a means of engaging and
developing colleagues.

Problems are an inescapable part of life, and we can spend a lot of our time trying to solve them.
Good problems-solving skills can therefore be in demand; so it’s important for the effective manager to consider their current approach and how this might be improved.
This topic looks at how to define the problem,
generate possible solutions and then choose
and implement the chosen approach.

Ever wondered why we are drawn to people we are comfortable and at ease with and with whom we have good rapport? This is the natural draw of having good emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand
and manage your own emotions, as well as the
emotions of others around you. If you can
harness your emotional intelligence you will be in
a good position to communicate effectively,
empathise with others, overcome challenges and
defuse conflict.

In line with our core values and behaviours, when
you work with assertiveness you will
communicate with confidence, recognise your
rights and responsibilities to each other, and
know how to deal with potentially difficult