Enrolment options

Aspiring Clinical Leaders Aims:

Support and facilitate the leadership development of nursing, midwifery and AHP healthcare practitioners enabling them to lead themselves and others to competently, safely and compassionately deliver high-quality care. 

Furthermore, the programme will have dedicated time allocated to shadowing activity and the subsequent debrif of that activity. Shadowing has been a highly rated activity by the learners as an excellent opportunity to observe leadership behaviours and attitudes in practice. Learners reported feeling inspired by this activity and having a better understanding of organisational leadership processes and a deeper appreciation of their own leadership traits. 

Access to coaching via Barts Health coaching network and NHS leadership academy will also be available to all learners as well as access to peer mentoring where learners can have the support of students that have completed this programme in previous years. 

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)